Happy Zombie Jesus Day!

April 5, 2010 at 4:47 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , , , )

In my Jesus-themed novel Son of Man there’s a scene where the main character visits his future friends’ commune in the 90s. Much like I did. On the wall he sees a black-and-white A4 that parodies horror movie posters. It’s got a picture of Jesus who steps out from his mountain-side grave looking like a zombie. The captions say “It’s Easter night, and he’s back from the dead!” and “He wants your immortal soul!” I’ve forgotten the name of the artist, so if you remember it, please post a comment.

Back then I found it funny and clever (and really daring), but these days zombie Jesus has become just another internet meme. Thus Easter Sunday, when according to Gospels Jesus arose from the dead, is now called Zombie Jesus Day. I’m a day late, but here’s some zombie Jesus material for your enjoyment. Some of the artists clearly think this is the first time anyone has thought of this, but many refer to the already existing phenomenon.

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